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Une nouvelle formation Quarkus en ligne est disponible via le site byoskill.com
Personally in 2016, I was tempted to join the FN party to protect my country, I also worked for many ministries, I saw the corruption, the conflicts …
Recently I had the following issue with PostgreSQL ( 10+) :
SQL exception : Exception while executing meta …
This article is taken from a discussion I had during the JUGL of Lausanne. It describes how to enable the JPA/SQL inspections from the IDE (paid …
Since Bintray shut down in 2021, numerous OSS projects have been annoyed with the lack of availability from Maven repository hosting solutions. Of …
It is time to learn new frameworks to improve your code quality and decrease the time of your testing phase. I have selected six testing frameworks …
Yup good things happened and today it is thanks to DZone.
I have been accepted as a Core DZone writer and it will allow me to write more frequently …
Last year, I was looking for a CMS to replace Hexo.io. Hexo.io served me well but I was frustrated to not be able to write posts in public transports …
As a Java developer, you absolutely must take advantage of this respite at home to learn the 5 ultimate skills that will set you apart from other …
Embold Team has delivered after years of R&D, a new great version of their product Embold. In this series of articles, I want to illustrate why …
I launched a new website to help workers in Switzerland to have a better understanding of their payslips. I discovered in four years working in …
This article is a source of work for anybody interested in ERP Migration and especially a focus on Data Migration. I prepared for a Job interview. It …
I tested a list of Benchmarking / Loading test tools and offer you some feedback about the tools listed on the excellent page …
Yes, COVID-19 has slowed down the economy and the labor market, but that’s no reason to sit around and watch Netflix. 2021 may be the perfect …
ScaleUp 360 Legacy IT is an important conference on legacy software modernization issues, and I was honored to have been invited this year as a …
During my talk at the “ScaleUp 360 Legacy IT Europe” conference, an important part of the discussion was about the notion of Legacy. As …
In this new article, we will expose 10 of the most frequent errors among Java developers. We will take this opportunity to discuss a way to detect …
Exceptions are annoying. The exceptions are bothersome to handle, it invades your code like a ant colony and we never know how to deal with them. …
In this article, we suggest you to get acquainted with the free editor of web languages - CodeLobster IDE. It is presented on the software market for …
We all have been junior and we are supposed to do mistakes and to learn from them. Let’s do a quick panorama of our most frequent mistakes with …
Whether you are a programming professional or a beginner, identifying and fixing a slow code is something highly satisfying. Today, the existence of …
Have you ever been panicked or exasperated by an illegible code?
We offer you to get out of this anxiety-provoking cycle and thus, equipped with the …
Software development jobs will also be touched by the COVID and the forthcoming economic crisis in 2021. Your environment may become toxic and harmful …
This article is an answer to the benefits and drawbacks of CQRS under the light of the DDD practices.
The original article written by Hristiyan …
Today, I discovered an interesting law, Gall’s law from John Gall. Le’s discover how it can be applied to software programming.
What is a code generator and data generator? This study provides you examples and research articles about several program automation research fields. …
My feedback from testing the Ponicode IA powered test generation tool. Recently, the company PoniCode has attracted the attention of some investors …
Byoskill has collaborated with the company Metrixware, in the realization of a tool for the automatic transformation of Adobe Flex applications to …
oder Je m’offre un droit de réponse à l’article du blog : “Comment garder tes développeurs” ( Ou pas…)
Cette réponse …
If your help desk software is giving you trouble, there are some open-source options available to help ease your pain – without the high cost.
In this …
This article is a quick HOW-TO after struggling with Google Cloud Build about how to send notifications when a build has failed or is successful. …
Zabbix vs Prometheus which is the best ? In this article, I am presenting my first experience with Zabbix and why I decided to choose it.
This blog post is about the two machine-learning frameworks Smile and DeepLearning4j. I am presenting my feedback and some hints useful for any Java …
How to send notifications to Slack with SonarQube ? What are the best plugins ? That is what we are going to discover in this post.
Some days ago, an investor asked me whether or not a fund should invest in a testing/SQA company. Here is my non-expert answer.
This post is talking …
Yesterday, my bank access brutally stopped and I had the following capture. Would you point out the security issue with that ? You have 30 minutes :-)
This is a book review of Java by comparison (you may check and buy it there https://java.by-comparison.com), an …
How to tune your JVM memory and track your GC Usage ? I had to tune recently some docker containers to fit the memory of my EC2. Here is a list of …
I have been recently using several JS frameworks to produce slideshows and ultimately programmatic videos. Here is my feedback about two frameworks …
This article will illustrate how to extends some parts or a whole Vue.js component. We’ll look at two different practices : mixins and extends.
This article has been written as “basic knowledge” for Junior Java developers to help them tracking their bugs in Java software.
In this article, I present how to write custom Cobol rules with SonarQube and some caveats I encountered. The targeted audience should have some basic …
Struggling with SonarQube scanner and your invalid SSL certificate ? Here is a way to handle it.
This article is a hint how to change the default path and name for the liquibase changeset when you are using Spring Boot.
Following my previous article, I have performed several tests to deploy the cloud IDE solutions.
Writing a software is a incredible difficult task. When the time has come for the software to know the …
I have been recently writings tools to convert Beanshell code in Java. This is a technical post to compare some frameworks to generate java source …
One of the best cleancode principle. The boyscout rule.
If you are interested by a cleancode course, I …
A short article to announce that Pivotal has announced a bunch of security fixes on its products.
I have been recently thinking about the opportunity to use a Cloud IDE for my personal coding projects.
Today I have produce a small infography with some cleancode principles that are important for me in my daily job of a coder.
I was the guest of an amazing French IT company Slickteam last week. The subject was to share experience and tricks about Cleancode.
A short article to complete the page of MkYoung about the streams (link here).
How to write loops using lambdas and streams without using for ?
I have been recently writing a new REST/Http client for the amazing APM product ManageEngine AppManager. In this context, I had to choose an efficient …
This article is about a new release of my SonarQube plugin for EsLint.
Here is a small checklist about how to migrate a legacy migration and to ensure its success.
This article is part of my work to explain my knowledge …
This article is a collection of links to interesting articles about Software Quality.
To be or not to be (happy), that’s the question. In this article, I expose some thoughts about what could make a software developer happy in his …
In the continuation of my previous S3 article,
I present you, how to write an S3 Java Sample program that is using a mock S3 server to develop the …
This article is part of my web research to prepare the development of a new feature using Amazon S3 Webservices.
New post (New post (New post (RT Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar: Dear CEO,
The biggest threat to innovation is internal p… https://t.co/7B7eyzUl4z
I am writing a new release of my Spring CQRS Module(link1, link2), including a parallel execution feature. Concurrency issues can be hard to solve …
An article dealing with Java application and testing frameworks and related libraries at the heart of DevOps and more basically the Software …
I have received several requests after my first article dealing with CMS, Headless CMS (KeyStoneJS), and the rather gloomy conclusion.
This article is …
I have been using recently Java 8 new features CompletableFuture. This is a little feedback.
This article is a presentation of a new little framework, I have developed and used on several projects.
The framework is for Spring Framework and …
Some time ago, I organized a talk on “Code Quality and why developers should care about” for my company. In that presentation, I …
Some Interesting links about Digital Transformation :
Like many other markets, the SQA/ALM Market soon will meet #disruption. Domains like machine learning, deep learning, and cloud computing will force …
Hi I have developed a rather small plugin for the great static site generator hexo hexo.
Thanks to its popularity, Docker has disrupted many companies and blurred the silos between Developers and Operations. This article, based partially …
In this short story, I will relate how I migrate my blog personal website from a classic VM instance to a container using Google Cloud Container …
This article is part of my working notes on the subject of “How to migrate Web applications running on JBoss AS 5 to version 7”.
I have tried Vue.js and just love it.
Some weeks ago, I started a new project for which, I have to build an internet website.
After spending …
A presentation I made (in French) about how to modularize C/C++ Softwares and the various ways to implement it.
This is my first post that offers a digest from a selection of DZone’s articles. I will pick DZone’s article based on my interests.
This …
Today, I released a new library to help developers to write integration tests with mail servers.
The library has been released on GitHub and Maven …
This article is showing you how to use SonarQube with ReactJS and its JSX files. I will use both the SonarQube JavaScript plugin and the additional …
This short article to announce a new release of the plugin SonarQube ESLint.
In this article, I will present you with two new SonarQube plugins that you will never find on the SonarQube marketplace (for some good reasons).
Keep …
This article contains few hints when you are using docker. My main article about Docker is How Docker is disrupting Legacy IT Companies.
Today I was preparing a presentation about Software Code quality for a TechTalk on Thursday. I made a search on the Internet about Automatic Unit test …
In 2017, this blog is powered by Hexo.js. However, I am looking for a replacement since Hexo.JS is lacking crucial features.
Today I have produced a shortlist of links interesting about Togaf and Enterprise architecture.
A Dashboard can be a very efficient communication tool for a team, between managers and business units. It enables an organization around a vision to …
This is a simple example of code to demonstrate how to use the library fakesmtp-junit-runner to write integration tests with mail servers.
The library …
Some months ago, I wrote an article for a new static analysis tool and a great team, Codacy.
Today I have felt on an interesting article about Javascript promises and the new functionality of async/await.
Thanks to @MikeQuindazzi, I discovered that interesting picture :
Ready for #Industry4.0 ? 11 contributing #digital #technologies in a simply and …
Today I stumbled upon that interesting article. That is a summary/prediction of some emerging technologies that are useful for Digital Transformation. …