Hexo plugin : hexo-generator-slideshare

By sleroy December 23, 2017
Hexo plugin : hexo-generator-slideshare

Hi I have developed a rather small plugin for the great static site generator hexo hexo.

If you still don’t know Hexo is a static site generator written in javascript that allows you to build fast blogs without the burden to instantiate a full CMS like WordPress.

This website is powered up by Hexo. Since I am writing sometimes Slideshare presentations, I have decided to build a small plugin to display Slideshare presentations.

The plugin code source is available there Github repo.

To install the plugin, simply write the command inside your Hexo blog folder :

npm install hexo-generator-slideshare --save

And then your site is ready to embed Slideshare presentations by adding the following tag :

{% slideshare slideshareID %}

More informations are available on : - npm - readme