Release of FakeSmtp-junit-runner

By sleroy December 23, 2017
Release of FakeSmtp-junit-runner

Today, I released a new library to help developers to write integration tests with mail servers.

The library has been released on GitHub and Maven Central.

fake SMTP-JUnit-runner

Build Status

Coverage Status

Links: Github.

Important: Part of the source code of this library has been modified and adapted from the project of FakeSmtp. I want to thank him since his project inspired me the create that library.

This library is an extension to JUnit to allow developers to write integration tests where an SMTP server is required.

The how-to is quite simple :

  • Inserts the @Rule in your integration tests
  • a Fake SMTP Server will start
  • You can send mails on it
  • You can control the mailbox
  • Write your own assertions to check mails.


The project requires JUnit 4.11 or higher. It also requires SLF4J API present in the classpath. I did not bundle them in the library to avoid conflicts.

To use it adds the library to your maven or Gradle config script :

For maven :


For Gradle :

testCompile "com.github.sleroy:fakesmtp-junit-runner:0.1.1"


Step 1 :

Creates a JUnit test :

public class SmtpSendingClassTest {

  public void testCase1() {



Step 2 :

Adds the new Junit rule with its configuration :

public class SmtpSendingClassTest {

    public FakeSmtpRule smtpServer = new FakeSmtpRule(ServerConfiguration.create().port(2525).charset("UTF-8"));

  public void testCase1() {



Step 3 :

You are ready to use it, controls the mailbox or the server state :

public class SmtpSendingClassTest {

    public FakeSmtpRule smtpServer = new FakeSmtpRule(ServerConfiguration.create().port(2525).charset("UTF-8"));

  public void testCase1() {
