SonarQube ESLint plugin : release 0.2.0

By sleroy December 23, 2017
SonarQube ESLint plugin : release 0.2.0

This short article to announce a new release of the plugin SonarQube ESLint.

SonarQube ESLint Plugin

This plugin can be used to integrate the results from ESLint inside SonarQube. It’s a wrapper over ESLint to trigger an analysis, fetch the results and store them into SonarQube.

The changes are :

  • Upgrade to the SonarQube API 6.5 (this version is not compatible with the versions below). Several refactorings had to be performed since the API changed a lot (SonarQube Settings/Configuration especially).
  • I also have upgraded the test harness for SSLR to 0.22.0

The documentation to use the plugin is there.

The release files are here.


  • Don’t forget to give a star for the project from which I have forked this version: SonarTSLint.
  • Small community: this project has a small community, I am looking for feedback.