Extending components, composition with Vue.js

By November 18, 2018
Extending components, composition with Vue.js

This article will illustrate how to extends some parts or a whole Vue.js component. We’ll look at two different practices : mixins and extends.

Extending a Vue component can at least be performed in two way:

  • using a mixin
  • using extends

Using a Mixin

According the official documentation of Vue, a mixin allow the developer to mix functions and props of two data structure to obtain a merged component.

I won’t spend too much time on the explanation since the things are quite easy :

First declare an object that contains some Vue component methods or structures.

export default {
	computed: {
		websiteUUID() {
			return this.$route.params.websiteId;
		reportId() {
			return this.$route.params.reportId;
		crawlId() {
			return this.$route.params.crawlId;
		websiteSelected() {
			return this.$route.params.websiteId != null;
		currentWebsite() {
			return this.$route.params.websiteId;
		currentLink() {
			return this.$route.params.pageId;
		currentWebsiteName() {
			if (this.$route.params.websiteId) {
				return this.$store.getters.websiteName(this.$route.params.websiteId);
			return "";
    currentDomain() {
      if (this.$route.params.websiteId) {
        return this.$store.getters.websiteDomain(this.$route.params.websiteId);
      return "";
      : function () {
			return "crawl-" + this.$route.params.crawlId;

And from the component that wish to inherit these computed props, simply add the mixin instruction in the component declaration.

// Child.js
export default {
  props: [],
  mixins: [parentComponent]

Mixin are limited to what can be declared inside the component declaration and the child component cannot inherit the template.

Using extends

The other way, more powerful, allow a child component to extends almost everything from the parent component.

To use it, declares your parent component like a normal Vue.js component.

And then, using the extends keyword your child component will inherit everything from the template and the props.

export default {
  name: "CustomerLinkTable",
  props: [],
  extends: AbstractTable,  

Interesting references

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