Hibernate fail with Postgresql : Row comparison operators must be associated with btree operator families.
By sleroy
June 30, 2021
Explanation of the problem
Recently I had the following issue with PostgreSQL ( 10+) :
SQL exception : Exception while executing meta query: ERROR: could not determine interpretation of row comparison operator ~
Hint: Row comparison operators must be associated with btree operator families.
Position: 1119
Basically, the origin of the problem is linked with a JQPL query :
String qry = "from jpmi.model.compte.Pension p where p.numeroDePension IN :ndp";
numeroDePension field is an @Embeddable field so we are comparing a row with a multi-column operator.
Hibernate is generating the following code ( 5+)
select ... from d_pension pension0_ where (pension0_.cle, pension0_.compte, pension0_.millesime, pension0_.sequence) like (?, ?, ?, ?)
We see the multi-column comparison that is not supported.
So you have the following solutions :
- Replacing the LIKE operator by = or IN in the JPQL query.
- Create a custom operator in PostgreSQL
- Replace the @Embeddable comparison with a field by field comparison
The article helped to find the solution https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/8072.