Quest for a CMS in 2018 : KeystoneJS Feedback
I have received several requests after my first article dealing with CMS, Headless CMS (KeyStoneJS), and the rather gloomy conclusion. This article is giving feedback on my next experiences.
Application modernization and Cloud migration
Blog by Sylvain Leroy about Cloud, Software Quality, Refactoring, Legacy Software Migration, and Application Modernization
I have received several requests after my first article dealing with CMS, Headless CMS (KeyStoneJS), and the rather gloomy conclusion. This article is giving feedback on my next experiences.
I have been using recently Java 8 new features CompletableFuture. This is a little feedback.
This article is a presentation of a new little framework, I have developed and used on several projects. The framework is for Spring Framework and requires Java 8.0. The code…
I am writing on a new secret project.
This is a simple example of code to demonstrate how to use the library fakesmtp-junit-runner to write integration tests with mail servers. The library has been released on GitHub and…