Extending components, composition with Vue.js
This article will illustrate how to extends some parts or a whole Vue.js component. We’ll look at two different practices : mixins and extends.
Application modernization and Cloud migration
Blog by Sylvain Leroy about Cloud, Software Quality, Refactoring, Legacy Software Migration, and Application Modernization
This article will illustrate how to extends some parts or a whole Vue.js component. We’ll look at two different practices : mixins and extends.
I have been recently writings tools to convert Beanshell code in Java. This is a technical post to compare some frameworks to generate java source code.
I have received several requests after my first article dealing with CMS, Headless CMS (KeyStoneJS), and the rather gloomy conclusion. This article is giving feedback on my next experiences.
This is a simple example of code to demonstrate how to use the library fakesmtp-junit-runner to write integration tests with mail servers. The library has been released on GitHub and…
A Dashboard can be a very efficient communication tool for a team, between managers and business units. It enables an organization around a vision to share common goals. It can…