How to send Telegram Notifications with Google Cloud Build (GCB)
This article is a quick HOW-TO after struggling with Google Cloud Build about how to send notifications when a build has failed or is successful. Since I did not want…
Application modernization and Cloud migration
Blog by Sylvain Leroy about Cloud, Software Quality, Refactoring, Legacy Software Migration, and Application Modernization
This article is a quick HOW-TO after struggling with Google Cloud Build about how to send notifications when a build has failed or is successful. Since I did not want…
Zabbix vs Prometheus which is the best ? In this article, I am presenting my first experience with Zabbix and why I decided to choose it.
This blog post is about the two machine-learning frameworks Smile and DeepLearning4j. I am presenting my feedback and some hints useful for any Java developers interested in machine learning. Introduction…
This article is presenting some hints about how to optmize your JVM memory with GCEasy and an interesting article from Opta Planner.
This article is a hint how to change the default path and name for the liquibase changeset when you are using Spring Boot.