Which framework to generate source code ?
I have been recently writings tools to convert Beanshell code in Java. This is a technical post to compare some frameworks to generate java source code.
Application modernization and Cloud migration
Blog by Sylvain Leroy about Cloud, Software Quality, Refactoring, Legacy Software Migration, and Application Modernization
I have been recently writings tools to convert Beanshell code in Java. This is a technical post to compare some frameworks to generate java source code.
I have been recently thinking about the opportunity to use a Cloud IDE for my personal coding projects.
I have been recently writing a new REST/Http client for the amazing APM product ManageEngine AppManager. In this context, I had to choose an efficient framework to build a new…
To be or not to be (happy), that’s the question. In this article, I expose some thoughts about what could make a software developer happy in his work. I wrote…
This article is part of my web research to prepare the development of a new feature using Amazon S3 Webservices.